Sign up with CardCenter

Welcome! To get started with CardCenter, please complete the following application form. If we need additional information to verify your application, we will follow up with you after we receive your submission.

Why CardCenter?

Simple To Use

Our platform makes it easy to find and purchase deals, submit your cards, and get paid. If you have multi-brand cards (like Happy cards) we'll even convert those for you.

Great Rates

Our rates are consistently among the best on the market, thanks to our wide distribution network that includes many of the largest marketplaces and buyers.

Easy Payments

Direct ACH payments ensure there's no waiting for checks to clear, and we do not impose any payout minimums or fees for small payments.

Reliable Team

Our team has a combined 15+ years of experience in the gift card resale industry.

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Updates on 22Dec2023: We've updated the Issues section, reducing the time period we'll wait to debit a reported card from 7 days to 3 days. We've done this to provide a better experience for our buyers - we realized that by waiting so long to debit cards, we've sent a signal that card issues aren't urgent, when really we want buyers to get corrections to the cards they've purchased as fast as possible.

These terms outline what we expect from you as a supplier and what you can expect from us. They aren't just the standard yada yada, though there is some of that towards the end. Please read this carefully now to avoid surprises later! These terms cover very important topics like how long you are liable for what you submit to us and how redemption issues will be handled. In these terms, "we" and "us" refer to CardCenter LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and "item" refers to a gift card or fuel account.

Submitting Gift Cards

Some gift cards carry higher risk or are more difficult to sell, so we may be unable to accept them. Unless we state otherwise for a specific deal, you must get approval from us before submitting:

  • Cards that were accessible to anyone other than you at any point, which includes:
    • Cards not purchased directly from an authorized reseller, including cards purchased secondhand, e.g. from an individual or a marketplace
    • Cards that were previously listed with another marketplace, like on Raise
    • Cards that were listed on consignment with another buyer
    • Cards that may have been exposed in a theft or data breach
  • Cards with any redemption restrictions, including promotional cards that expire
  • Cards purchased from Slide or from sites and apps powered by Raise, such as ShopYourWay (Raise places restrictions on selling these cards)
  • Cards with any attempted redemptions, which includes partially used cards, and cards used for orders that were canceled (these are also known as dirty cards)
  • Cards purchased either wholly or in part with other gift cards from the same brand (also known as consolidated, merged, or washed cards); this does not include cards purchased using cards from a different brand (for example, through Happy or GameStop conversions)
  • Cards linked to user accounts, regardless of whether they are usable by others
  • Merchandise return or store credits, even if issued in the form of standard gift cards
  • Cards obtained in an unusual way that could increase the risk of redemption issues later on

Of course, we also expect that you will not submit any cards that were obtained fraudulently.

Submitting Fuel Points

Unless we state otherwise for a specific deal, any fuel account you submit must meet all of the following conditions:

  • It must either be a new account with a new alt ID, or an old account with an alt ID and password that has been changed since the account was last accessible to anyone else besides you.
  • All fuel points on the account must have been earned from gift card purchases that you made yourself. We do not accept secondhand fuel accounts unless we approve the submission of such accounts in advance.
  • You must have the alt ID, account email address, account password, point balance, and expiration date in order to submit the account to us.

These conditions are important because these accounts will be passed on to different buyers, and we don't want people using points they did not pay for, or paying for points they are unable to use.


You are responsible for the accuracy of all data submitted, which includes:

  • Submitting accurate codes and PINs for gift cards
  • Submitting accurate alt IDs and account details for fuel accounts
  • Correcting typos in a timely fashion
  • Ensuring that gift card balances are accurate and active before submission: in particular, some promotions offer cards that are activated at a future date; such cards should not be submitted to us until they have been activated
  • Ensuring that fuel account point balances are correct


Gift card and fuel account resale is a business based on trust. Compromising gift cards is a lucrative business for criminals. Both before and after submission, you are responsible for keeping gift card and fuel account data confidential, which includes:

  • Taking reasonable security precautions given the sensitive nature of this data, which, at a minimum, includes requiring two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA) on accounts with access to this data.
  • Not redeeming submitted cards or fuel points yourself or providing the card data or fuel account details to anyone else after submitting them to us.
  • Notifying us of any known or suspected data breaches impacting the items you've previously submitted.

Deal Notifications

To make your life easier, we offer a service by which you can be notified of new deals. However, though we try our best, we can't guarantee the accuracy of the deals we post (we do make typos occasionally), or the availability of those deals (some of which may sell out quickly). You are responsible for any purchases you make, including ensuring that any discounts or credits are correctly applied to your orders. We reserve the right to correct any buy offers inadvertently posted with incorrect information, including correcting the rates and payment terms for any cards submitted under those offers.


Our rates and payment terms can change at any time. To lock in a given rate and payment terms, you need to submit a reservation (also called a sell offer) on our platform. Your rate and payment terms are not guaranteed until your reservation is both submitted and approved.

Many buy offers we post will have a limited capacity ("cap" for short). Since capacity is limited, we request that you submit your reservations with reasonable quantities that you believe with 80-90% likelihood you can fulfill. If circumstances change and you will be unable to submit as much as you had originally expected, please reduce the quantity on your reservation or notify us so that the capacity you had reserved can be made available to other suppliers. If you expect you'll be able to obtain more than you had originally expected, just submit an additional reservation.

Do not make a purchase until your reservation is approved, either on our platform or elsewhere (e.g. verbally on Slack). If you do make a purchase before your reservation is approved, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accept your submission at the rate and payment terms you requested, or even that we will be able to accept it at all.

Items for an approved reservation must be submitted before that reservation expires. If you do not submit your items before your reservation's submission deadline, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accept them at the rate and payment terms your reservation was originally approved for, as market conditions may have changed since it was approved. We may need to change the rate or payment terms, or in some cases, we may not be able to accept your items at all.

We will not change the rate or payment terms for approved reservations except in rare extenuating circumstances (for example, when a new deal is goes live and you submit a reservation that is automatically approved before we can update our rates to account for the new deal), and in those circumstances we will notify you as soon as possible and discuss any changes with you.


After you make a submission and we approve it, we will send you payment according to the terms agreed upon for that submission. However, if any question arises about the activation status or redeemability of the items you've submitted, we may withhold payment for those items until those questions have been resolved to our satisfaction.

You are responsible for the accuracy of any payment instructions you provide us. Any fees we incur as a result of payment failures (for example, ACH returned item fees resulting from incorrect bank information you've provided) may be deducted from your account balance at our discretion. We will, of course, not deduct any fees from your account which are due to mistakes on our end.

If you have a negative account balance (due, for example, to debited cards or an accidental overpayment), it is your responsibility to remedy that upon our request within 7 days, either by (at our option) making additional submissions to offset the negative balance, or by providing us a refund through a mutually acceptable channel (e.g. PayPal or Venmo). If your account balance remains negative beyond that 7 day grace period, we may charge interest at the rate of 2% per month or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is lower.

As we consider you a vendor supplying goods, we do not issue 1099-K or 1099-MISC forms. If tax regulations change and we are required to start issuing forms, we will notify you. Please consult your tax advisor as to how to account for your sales to us on your tax returns.


Reselling gift cards is not without risk. Cards can be compromised or deactivated due to circumstances beyond our control, and because the original purchaser is the one best positioned to remedy card issues, the responsibility for those issues largely falls on you. You are responsible for all card issues, including activation issues, redemption restrictions and failures, and compromised and fraudulently used cards, for 365 days after your cards are approved. (This means that if your cards are pending for a month or two and then approved, for instance if you submitted cards when there was no capacity for that brand, this 365 day clock would start only after the cards are approved.) We strongly recommend that you retain the original cards and proof of purchase for all cards you submit to us for at least 365 days after your cards are approved in case any issues arise.

We often offer to accept multi-brand gift cards (e.g. Happy, Choice, or Choose Your Card) and perform conversions on our end; however, you are responsible for any issues that arise with the multi-brand card or any of the cards it is converted to (for example, if the balance on a converted card is frozen or drained) for 365 days after your multi-brand card is approved, except in cases where in our judgment the fault lies with the automated conversion process we utilize.

For fuel accounts, unless we state otherwise for a specific deal, as long as the fuel points have posted properly to your account, your reservation has been approved, and you have submitted the account per the terms of our offer, you are liable for those points only until 9:00 am Eastern Time on the next business day after your submission. (For example, if you submit an account at 2:00 pm ET on Wednesday, you are liable until 9:00 am ET on Thursday; if you submit at 11:00 am ET on Friday, you are liable until 9:00 am ET on Monday.) If you submit an account and then discover that points have not posted to it, you are welcome to call and inquire about that, but keep in mind that may increase the risk your account will get shut down, in which case you will still be liable for those points.

In investigating issues that arise, we strive to be fair to all parties involved and make decisions based on the best information available, which may not always be as detailed as we would like. But to be clear, if there is any disagreement about a disputed item, the right to make the final determination about it - including whether, when, and by how much it should be debited - is ours alone. The burden of proof rests on you to prove that the item was redeemed by the buyer. The burden of proof does not rest on us to prove to you that the item was compromised or redeemed illegitimately. We will do our best to pursue disputes with marketplaces and buyers, but the outcome may not always be in your favor.

If an issue arises with an item you've submitted, we will notify you, and may ask you for additional information about it (including a card image, proof of purchase, transaction history, etc.) or ask you to take corrective actions (e.g. fixing typos or asking a vendor to activate a card). It is your responsibility to provide that information or take those actions within 3 days of our request; if you are unable to do so, or if the information we receive is insufficient to prove (in our judgment) that the end buyer redeemed the item in question, we will debit it from your account. In some cases, we may debit an item without requesting any additional information from you if we already have compelling evidence that your submission was invalid. This may happen if, for example, a marketplace rejects one of your cards because it was a store credit rather than a normal gift card, or because it has already been listed by another seller, which indicates that the card was already sold to another buyer.

We may partially debit an item if the buyer claims a lower usable balance than the value you submitted it under. Conversely, if you submit an item with a higher usable balance than the value you submitted under, you will be responsible for any losses incurred as a result. We do not balance check every item upon submission and trust our suppliers to submit items with accurate balance details. In addition, some buyers and marketplaces we work with do not check balances before accepting items and we may be unable to recoup funds from them in the case of incorrect balances.

If we debit an item, the price for that item (or some fraction thereof, in the case of partial debits) will be deducted from your account balance. We may, in our discretion, reverse debits to your account if additional information comes to light after our initial determination. If we conclude a loss was incurred due to a mistake on our part, we will of course not debit your account for that.


Any disputes arising out of our relationship shall be resolved through mediation. In the event that mediation is unsuccessful, the dispute shall be submitted to the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules. The decision reached through arbitration shall be final and binding on you and on us.

These terms shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, regardless of conflict of laws rules, and if any legal action is necessary, it will be pursued exclusively in the federal or state courts of Harris County, Texas, and you consent to jurisdiction in those courts.


We strive to maintain great relationships with our suppliers, and we have a good track record doing just that. However, sometimes things don't work out. Either you or we may terminate our relationship at any time, for any reason. In particular, we may terminate our relationship with you if you submit items that have an abnormally high rate of redemption issues, are uncooperative or unresponsive with card investigations, consistently carry a negative account balance, or violate these terms. You can terminate our relationship simply by ceasing submissions to us. If we terminate our relationship, we will notify you and reject all future submissions from you, and may also pursue other remedies available to us (for example, if you have a negative account balance). However, regardless of how our relationship ends, these terms will survive and continue in full effect, especially those regarding confidentiality, payments, issues, and disputes - you are still responsible for any items you submitted to us before the termination of our relationship.


We will notify you via email of any changes to these terms. If you have questions about the changes we make, or don't agree with them, we'd like to hear about that - please let us know. If in the end you still don't agree with our changes, you can terminate our relationship as described above, and the terms that you last agreed to will remain in effect.

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